Partisanship cannot take precedence over the urgent needs of families. Alaskans value hard work, privacy and community, and when I visit the people of House District 2 I hear the same concerns: working families and seniors consistently bring up strong schools, predictable and dependable marine highway service, accessible housing, affordable daycare and thriving waterfronts. I am eager to continue working on these shared regional priorities while faithfully representing the values of the constituents of House District 2.
Legislative Committees
As a member of the following Legislative Committees, I am pleased to have supported a number of beneficial bills in the 33rd Legislature:
Education Committee
As a recently retired educator and former member of the State Board of Education and Early Development I am acutely aware of the need for stable and predictable funding as the cornerstone of success for all public-school options in Alaska. Returning to a defined benefit pension for the public sector will elevate Alaska as a good place to live and work, improving not just state services but also our education outcomes. Schools thrive when educators can focus on student achievement and wellbeing.
Bills I Proposed:
HB 230: At passage this bill contained language to repeal a statute that restricts school districts from recognizing years of service out of state for placement on the salary schedule, along with language to extend the time a retired teacher may substitute annually, and an incentive program for teachers to become National Board Certified. Educator quality is the key to student success.
Bills I Supported:
HB 148: updated the Alaska Performance Scholarship, broadening eligibility
HB 202: proposed providing opioid reversal drugs to all school buildings
House Fisheries Committee
The working waterfronts of Southeast Alaska have been the backbone of our state’s economy since before statehood. Ensuring harvests in line with the Constitutional principle of “maximum sustained yield” is critical to meet the needs of families in House District 2.
Bills I Proposed:
HJR 5: Placed the full force of Alaska’s government behind the trollers of Southeast Alaska who were under attack by the Wild Fish Conservancy. Thanks to the efforts of a broad team, including the Legislature, the trollers were able to harvest kings in 2023! This resolution was the first piece of legislation to pass both chambers in the 33rd Legislature and I am proud to have been the prime sponsor.
Bills I Supported:
HB 19: removes the requirement for CFEC-registered vessels to also register with the DMV
HB 329: clarifies statutes governing aquatic farms and hatcheries
SCR 10: creates a legislative task force to suggest policies to support fisheries
Community and Regional Affairs Committee
I am committed to supporting the small towns in rural Alaska by maintaining local control, continuing community assistance, and preventing overreach by state government.
Bills I Supported:
HB 69: streamlines reclassification from first class city to second class city
Additional Priorities
The following are additional areas of importance to me.
Under our current fiscal plan less than $500 million of Alaska’s $4 billion dollar capital budget comes from state revenue streams. This means most of the state’s funds are leveraged as matching money for federal investments in our infrastructure.
Southeast Alaskans recognize the ferry system as our “highway.” It allows elders to travel with dignity to visit family or medical facilities, it adds affordability for families whose children travel for school activities, and it connects our communities in all seasons, just as roads in the rest of Alaska do. Thanks to federal funding, replacement vessels will be built over the next couple of years and additional crew for the current, diminished fleet will be hired. I will remain vigilant to ensure state investment in the Alaska Marine Highway System is maintained.
Balanced Budget
In the past two years the Legislature has passed balanced budgets that haven’t required drawing from dwindling savings. The needle Alaskans are asking their elected officials to thread is the balance of a low- or no-tax environment that still supports state services. As the number of Alaskans has increased, but the oil flowing in the pipeline has decreased, the state’s budget is stretched to serve everyone with the services Alaskans have come to expect.
I will continue to work toward balanced budgets that do not draw on savings while also supporting the largest Permanent Fund Dividend we can afford and the highest-quality state services possible.
Indigenous Alaskans
Along with supporting increased funding for VPSOs and the addition of two investigators for Missing and Murdered Indigenous People, I was a proud sponsor of HJR 17 (awaiting transmittal to the gov). This resolution is a statement of support for a federal Truth and Healing Commission on Boarding Schools. I have attended meetings and written letters to improve communication with Canada about transboundary mining issues and am cautiously optimistic a plan is emerging to finally clean up the Tulsequah Chief Mine.
When Tribes are empowered, communities are lifted. I feel fortunate to have 11 Tribes in House District 2 and am grateful to tribal leaders for their engagement.